is a consultancy specializing in Strategic Planning,
Process Facilitation and Organization Design and Development. Our
clients include the South African Government, the Parliament
of the Republic of South Africa, various Provincial
Governments, Parastatals, research bodies, professional
associations, universities, local authorities, representative
bodies, overseas development agencies, local development
institutions and private sector institutions.
Recent clients of StratFac include the Ntsika
Enterprise Development Agency, the Parliament of the
Republic of South Africa, and the University of the
Free State, the WK Kellogg Foundation, the DBSA, PSG
Investment Bank, INCA, ABSA Corporate and Merchant Bank,
the National Department of Agriculture, the Social Housing
Foundation and the SA Reserve Bank. During the past two
years, three major organization scoping and design projects
were carried out, for the University of the Free State
(part of an ongoing transformation project spanning
a period of five years), for the Parliament of the RSA
and for the Ntsika Enterprise Development Agency.
significant number of our clients operate extensively
under donor or stakeholder supported programmes. Examples are
the University of Pretoria Institute for Rural Development
(WK Kellogg Foundation), Parliamentary programmes (the
British Government through DIFD), the INCA French Fund
(the French Government), the Johannesburg Housing Company (EU Grants),
the Ntsika Enterprise Development Agency (EU grants
and government grants), the Development Fund of Namibia
(government grants), and a number of DBSA-supported
programmes. In
addition, we have undertaken a considerable amount of
work for membership organizations such as AVCASA, the
SA Optometric Association, the SA Pork Producers’ Association,
the SA Poultry Association, the National Association
for Social Housing Institutions and the Association
of Dieticians and Nutritionists.
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Our projects
range from a once-off facilitation of strategic events
(which have included a number of international conferences),
to long-term organization development programmes in
support of our clients’ strategic plans.
once-off events, the planning for the event is usually
carried out in conjunction with the principal, and even
the smallest facilitation includes detailed agenda planning,
the actual facilitation of the event and the production
of a Facilitator’s Report, which details not only the
various outcomes of the event as well as the follow-through
planning, but also comments on particular strategic
implications of the deliberations.
We believe very strongly that an event that does
not address follow-through planning is a waste of the
time of all participants. (See: Planning a Strategic
projects typically arise from an initial strategic planning
exercise that requires complicated and extensive follow-through
– often including adjustments to the organizational
design and structure.
Many of these projects have included significant
work on organization diagnostics and functional re-design.
Such work has also included the facilitation of implementation
actions, including acting as an honest broker between
management and unions where, for example, the issue
of staff reduction arose. (See: Strategic Restructuring)
the case of a major project, we prefer starting with
a formal project proposal following initial discussions. Such a proposal
is often presented to a Project Steering Committee,
to whom we report during the course of the project. This is, indeed,
our preferred method of operation.
also handle training assignments in the areas of strategic
planning and facilitation.
knowledge and skills are required which do not form
part of StratFac’s own areas of competence, we sub-contract
these from an extensive group of associates in the finance,
human resource, legal, economics and development disciplines.
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Johan Koorts
is the Managing Member of StratFac, which was formally
created in October 1996.
Since 1964 his career has encompassed all aspects
of human resource management, strategic planning and
organizational analysis, design and the change process. He previously
worked for the University of Pretoria (as Personnel
Officer 1964 – 1968), the CSIR (as Training Officer,
1968 – 1970), in a family business as partner (1970
– 1972), the National Institute for Personnel Research
(as Senior Researcher on Adult Training and Organization
Diagnostics, 1972 – 1976), the Hans Merensky Foundation
(as Human Resource and Training Manager, 1976 – 1978),
the Kohler Group (as Human Resource Director, 1978 –
1981), the Plate Glass Group (as Human Resource and
Training Director for PG Wood, 1981 – 1983), and from
end 1983 to 1996 was involved with the Development Bank
of Southern Africa, first as Human Resource, Training
and Administration Manager, then as Director of the
Centre for Institutional Specialists and subsequently
as Special Advisor to the Chief Executive.
In the latter capacity he was responsible for
the strategic planning and internal strategic facilitation
for the organization and for major parts of the transformation
process of DBSA.
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